Tuesday 1 June 2010

Hernán Rivera Letelier

Hernán Rivera Letelier is any of my favourites writer and he is Chilean! I like his books because this shows the live in the saltpeter mining town. As well, I love the histories that he written, these are very entertainment and funny. The characters, that Hernán Rivera revive, are modest, poor and transmit the problems of that period of the Chilean History. For example, in the “Mi nombre es Malarrosa” tell the live of a girl who became a prostitute or in the “El Fantasista” tell the history of the closedown of the saltpeter mining town Maria Elena.
Hernán Rivera Letelier born in Talca in 1950, although he brought up and he lived until 11 years in Algorta, a saltpeter mining town of the north of Chile. When his mother died and the closed down the saltpeter mining town, his family moved to Antofagasta, where he worked selling newspaper and as a messenger of mining company. During lifetime he linked with to northern of Chile and the saltpeter mining town, even today he live in Antofagasta. Hernán Rivera Letelier has written 14 books: the first is “Poemas y pomadas” of the 1988 and the last one is “El arte de la resurrección”, published this year. Of the 14 books, I have read 10: “La reina Isabel cantaba rancheras”, “Himno del ángel parado en una pata”, “Fatamorgana de amor con banda de música”, “Los trenes se van al purgatorio”, “Santa María de las flores negras”, “Canción para caminar sobre las aguas”, “Romance del duende que me escribe las novelas”, “El fantasista”, “Mi nombre es Malarrosa” and “La contadora de películas”.
He have receive some prizes, as “Caballero de la orden de letras” in France in the year 2001 and, this year he received the Alfaguara prize of Novel for his last one book.


  1. I really like his job even though I have read only three of their books. "Santa María de las Flores negras", "Los trenes se van al purgatorio" and "Mi nombre es Malarrosa", the first in the school and the other two in holidays.
    I think that is a interesting job, he recover the common north Chilean character at the beginnings of the XX century. Sometimes I can´t resist some of his stories because I think that this are so sad. At 2007, I went to watch the play “Santa Maria de las Rosas negras”. It was an adaptation of their book by the Pato-Gallina company. I think that is so important rescue the history in the literature, because in this way is nearly to the people who doesn’t study history commonly.

  2. I have never had the oportunity to read Hernán Rivera Letelier, but by what you are saying, he is really a good writer.
    My favorite author is Gabriel García Marquez, and the book I most like is Cien años de Soledad. I recomend that you read it, you will like it very much.
    See you in the afternoon!
