Tuesday 8 June 2010

Education, Infancy and Anthropology

Today I will write about some topics that I am interested, these are: education, infancy and anthropology. I think that Education is very important in the present context because its influence on children is increasing, owing to the fact that they spend more time in school, like this the formal education can become a tool for transformation of damaging conducts.

This year, I had the opportunity of attend to Imaginario Infantil subject. This subject will deal with conceptions of childhood, the infancy in education and the infancy as subject. These topics are based in the philosophy of infancy. Matthew Lipman, an American philosopher, was promoted of the union between philosophy, education and infancy. This new relationship is aimed to “learn to think”, owing to the children and youth development their thought.

Considering this new perspective I thought about the contributions that the anthropology can offer and I think that the anthropology can play an important role in to validate the vision of children and in the understanding of this and of their reality. That is why I would like to work in Educational Anthropology and Anthropology of the Infancy.

1 comment:

  1. Education is important to me too, I think that the first learnings are for the rest of the life. Then in the infancy is where we have the duty (as a society) to bring up our future citizens. Chilean education is not the best one, and a consequence of this are the big socioeconomic differences. Very important topic you post, see you in class.
