Tuesday 29 June 2010

Blogging Experience

Hello classmate! It is the last post! And I will write about the blogging experience…

I think that this blogging experience has been good, because I have to work harder for I can write. As I said before, I am not good in English and I do not like English (I am very Chilean for my things), therefore, I have enjoy the experience sometimes and sometimes not. I enjoy because I have development a little my skill but I do not know if I did it well. I not enjoy because sometimes is very difficult to meet the number of words for the post.

Despite the above, I think that this experience helps me to improve my English a little. I admit that can write more easily, but even I feel that this is very boring. I recognized that is necessary to use this language, but still do not like.

The pros this activity is the periodic opportunity of write in other language (specifically in English), but I think that a error has been not to go periodically reviewing the written, because I could not know what my mistakes, so I have not had the opportunity to improve them.

The cons is the timetable, is very late, and sometimes a long time spent in the activity and not enough class. Other point against is the topics, sometimes this not has been interesting or often we chose this topic.

The best thing the blogging experience, from my perspective, is that thought the post I could meet my classmates. I found pleasant surprises reading any blogs, I know very things that I had never heard, I know the interests of my classmate and I can communicate with them.

That is all, I be happy for finish this stage and let us hope everything turns out all right!

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Anthropology and Education

Hello everyone! Althought I did not go to class, at home I do the activity for yesterday.

Today I try to write about a subject that interested me, which is education, linking with it the discipline that I study: Anthropology. I say it will be an attempt because you do not quite understand how I can relate the two disciplines or anthropology with this aspect of society.
I think all of us students realize the educational crisis of our country, where mainly criticizes the "quality" of the education system, whether formal or university system. I think this question of quality is based on inequality between the students universe, if the content and activities that take place in school and collage are appropriate for the goals of education... final: why educate? What good is education? What tools is giving us? Clearly, it is believed that education as articulated today is not providing sufficient tools to their students; there is a reproduction of patterns instead of a formation or creation of individuals.

From what I have learned and reflected, I think that anthropology can help in this issue by providing information about the relation of the content according to cultural groups, namely, really serves an educational system as homogeneous, being that our society is composed of different cultures or lifestyles? In addition, Anthropology can help validate the speeches and point of view of the beneficiaries of education, because I believe that until you heard or consider what they think, not is able to make significant changes in the educational system.

In this way, Anthropology can bring about changes in the country if it proposed it in and out if his circle of scholars.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

My favourite photograph

In the image is my shadow along the shadow of my boyfriend. In this moment, we were in the square of Molina, in the VII Region of our country.

The photograph is special for me because it was taken in the first trip that we made by ourselves. The image is beautiful, too: the day was cloudy, even had rained all morning, and come out the sun. And we use to take the picture.

This have an important significant for we, because represent that if we stay together will always be good, there is always light in our lives. This has importance because this moment I got a bad new: breast cancer of my mom breached into the lungs.

The trip we made the last winter holidays and we went to the home of an aunt of my boyfriend that live in Molina. We went for just a weekend, but the experience was beautiful and comforting.

Now, I will present to my boyfriend: he is Fernando and he has 19 years old. He studies Pedagogy in Music in the UMCE. We bring together 3 years. We begin when we were in the school, and now are together in the university. He is very important in my live, because rather being my boyfriend, he has been my friend and he has supported me in many difficult times, especially with the moments that are relation with the disease of my mother. Furthermore, he is an excellent company: he is happy, funny, spontaneous, relax and playful. I think that he is a complement for me.

So, the photograph represents a moment special for me and for he. In it we see our union and that despite the storm, can sunrise.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Education, Infancy and Anthropology

Today I will write about some topics that I am interested, these are: education, infancy and anthropology. I think that Education is very important in the present context because its influence on children is increasing, owing to the fact that they spend more time in school, like this the formal education can become a tool for transformation of damaging conducts.

This year, I had the opportunity of attend to Imaginario Infantil subject. This subject will deal with conceptions of childhood, the infancy in education and the infancy as subject. These topics are based in the philosophy of infancy. Matthew Lipman, an American philosopher, was promoted of the union between philosophy, education and infancy. This new relationship is aimed to “learn to think”, owing to the children and youth development their thought.

Considering this new perspective I thought about the contributions that the anthropology can offer and I think that the anthropology can play an important role in to validate the vision of children and in the understanding of this and of their reality. That is why I would like to work in Educational Anthropology and Anthropology of the Infancy.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Hernán Rivera Letelier

Hernán Rivera Letelier is any of my favourites writer and he is Chilean! I like his books because this shows the live in the saltpeter mining town. As well, I love the histories that he written, these are very entertainment and funny. The characters, that Hernán Rivera revive, are modest, poor and transmit the problems of that period of the Chilean History. For example, in the “Mi nombre es Malarrosa” tell the live of a girl who became a prostitute or in the “El Fantasista” tell the history of the closedown of the saltpeter mining town Maria Elena.
Hernán Rivera Letelier born in Talca in 1950, although he brought up and he lived until 11 years in Algorta, a saltpeter mining town of the north of Chile. When his mother died and the closed down the saltpeter mining town, his family moved to Antofagasta, where he worked selling newspaper and as a messenger of mining company. During lifetime he linked with to northern of Chile and the saltpeter mining town, even today he live in Antofagasta. Hernán Rivera Letelier has written 14 books: the first is “Poemas y pomadas” of the 1988 and the last one is “El arte de la resurrección”, published this year. Of the 14 books, I have read 10: “La reina Isabel cantaba rancheras”, “Himno del ángel parado en una pata”, “Fatamorgana de amor con banda de música”, “Los trenes se van al purgatorio”, “Santa María de las flores negras”, “Canción para caminar sobre las aguas”, “Romance del duende que me escribe las novelas”, “El fantasista”, “Mi nombre es Malarrosa” and “La contadora de películas”.
He have receive some prizes, as “Caballero de la orden de letras” in France in the year 2001 and, this year he received the Alfaguara prize of Novel for his last one book.