First, is important mention that I have do four courses of English, from English I to English IV, because in the diagnostic test I was wrong: this moment I was very nervous because I do not like English and I not be good in this subject. I have do courses during the past two years and, in general, this experience not has been good.
In the first course, English I, I not learn much. The contents this course was very basic, this I learn in the Primary School. But, however, the teacher was very good, she prepared your classes and she went interesting activities. Therefore, in the following course, my learning was less, although I remember and recover the oral presentation this year, because this was the first time that I speak in English in front other persons, in front an audience. Also, in this course I know to persons of other years of my career; this was a situation very gratifying.
In the next course that became this March of this year, I think that learned or developed abilities for speak and write in English. My teacher prepared activities that consistent in challenges for myself, because I have that speak in front my other classmates or all weeks y has that write in my blog. I believe that this course was the better, in comparison with the previous courses, I felt more interested for this idiom.
And, finally, I am doing English IV. This course has been difficult for me, because, in my life in general, I have not interested in the studies or university for personal problems. This form, I have not take advantage of this course.
In general, I define my experience like a case of survival, because I feel that I not learning much contents. Although, I must admit that I have developed abilities, but I not know if I have make progress a lot. In my opinion, two years is less for learning English and considering that one in the university have various subjects, that in the practice are more important of English because are part of career, the course of English is not appreciate correctly.