Thursday 14 October 2010

The mapuche conflict

                The mapuche conflicy have been very years in our country and even already was in the momento of independence of Chile. In general, the mapuche are knowed like a warlike people owing to they constantly are part of conflict politics, and they have showed your convictions with segurity and have fougth for keep their culture, in specially customs, beliefs and territory.  But, in this year, a sector of the mapuche people began with a hunger strike for part of mapuche prisioners. This prisioners, with the help their families and communities, demand that they are not enforcing the antiterrorism law and not be prosecuted for military trial, only civil trial.  This demands showed a treat different this persons for be mapuche, that is why they call in popular protest march“political prisioners”.  The president, Sebastián Piñera, and his team of govern tried resolve the problem doing changes in the law, to make possible  “dialogue tables”  with sectors of mapuche people and change the punish or sentence of the prisioners demonstrator, but this not was enough because no every demonstrators down of strike.
              My opinion is that for solve problems with mapuche people the Chilean state mus admit the many debs to this community form more than a century, that began with the called "Pacification of Araucanía". I think that the solution is recognize to this people like part of our nation, only admit tha pluriculture of our territory and recognized the rights of each culture and people, the differences between communities can be handled better. 


  1. Hello Tamara! Mapuche conflict is a historical topic and this is unacceptable, Chilean State has forgotten Human Rights with Mapuche people... I think that the "Pacificación de la Araucanía" were slaughter, Mapuche people are brave, many people died there probabbly...

    Good luck! See you!

  2. Hello classmate!
    How are you?

    Well, me too think that to relve the mapuche conflict is important that the government considers respect for the native ethnic groups.

    Lucky !

  3. Hi Tamara,

    Let´s hava a look at this, " The mapuche conflicT (have)HAS EXISTED (been very) FOR MANY years in our country and even (already was in) AT the moment(o) of CHILE´S independence (of Chile). In general, the mapuche are (knowed) KNOWN AS (like a) warlike people owing to they constant(ly are part of) POLITICAL conflictS (politics), and they have showed (SHOWN) (your) THEIR convictions with (segurity) DETERMINATION and have (fougth) FOUGHT (for) TO keep their culture, (in) specially customs, beliefs and territory. But, (in) this year, a sector of the mapuche people began with a hunger strike (for) ( part of) BY mapuche prisioners.

    There are many structure and word choice problems. I suggest, to begin with that you help yourself with an English-English dictionary. For exambple, www. merriam-webster. com to look up words and also practice with the exercises at the Plataforma.

    1 point.

