Tuesday 20 April 2010

The earthquake...

The 27/02/10 at 03.34 AM, I slept in my house. I waked up when I feel the earth tremor, but I get up when I realized the tremor did not stop. My bedroom is in the second floor of my house, because of this I had to go downstairs while shaking. This moment was terrible, I had afraid I might fall. Luckily, my family was in the house but everbody were afraid.
Later, we started to phone to the familiar persons. Thank God, everyone was safe.

The funny situation was that my boyfriend not wake up, so I had to lift. And, only the earthquacke stopped, he fell asleep. And, I can not sleep in all the day 27. Other particular situation is that my sister could not to move.

In general, my enviroment not had damages. But, everybody are a few frightened still.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

who I am?

I am Tamara and I am a student of social anthropology .
I love the novels and the chilean music. I want work in the topic of education, because I want help at the children and teens. I am 20 years old and I live in Puente Alto, Santiago of Chile. My family, boyfriend, dog and friends are the things more important in mi life. I believe in God.

With this blog, I would like to learn communicate in English and learn more words.